Consider us your outsourced sustainability department.

We help you build a reliable and accurate carbon accounting program.

We make it easy for you to report to (CDP, SASB, GRI), reduce (IPCC or SBTI) and eliminate (carbon neutral programs).

All successful sustainability/ESG programs have one thing in common, and that is a robust carbon accounting effort.

Most organizations start with accounting for their scope 1, 2 emissions and then evolve into accounting for scope 3 emissions. It is widely reported that more than 85% of Fortune 500 organizations measure their carbon footprint.

Many organizations measure their emissions as part of reporting efforts to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), as part of customer requirements like Walmart’s Project Gigaton, The Sustainability Consortium Product Sustainability Tool Kits, The Higg Index, as part of participation in voluntary programs like the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) or UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to meet federal requirement programs through GSA’s Oasis+ or the Federal Supplier Climate Risks and Resilience proposed rule, to comply with evolving state legislation such as California’s SB-253 Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act, or to meet the carbon accounting requirements of certifications like Cradle to Cradle, BIFMA Level, NSF 140, Green Squared and others.

Our team holds professional credentials in measuring and reporting GHG emissions and has been awarded for our extensive carbon accounting work.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory


WAP partnered with leading technology companies to develop the Protocol for Measuring Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment. A Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory is a measurement of the carbon emissions of your organization.

Let us help you measure your carbon footprint and strategize ways for improvement with a Greenhouse Gas Inventory.

Carbon Accounting efforts are a foundational starting point for any sustainability program. The deliverable associated with carbon accounting is the completion of a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory in accordance with the widely used World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development Corporate Carbon Accounting GHG Protocol.

It is intended to be a reoccurring effort similar to financial accounting and used to track progress towards sustainability or ESG goals (like 25% reduction in carbon by 2025). As such, WAP is committed to helping our clients not only measure GHG emissions but also build processes to facilitate repeatable accounting practices.

Our processes follow protocol from the World Resource Institute Greenhouse Gas Protocol(s) and the reporting requirements of ISO 14064. We target all material scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 emissions in our processes and specialize in helping organizations improve emissions accounting over time.

We are also highly experienced in emission sector supplements and frameworks like GRESBSASBAvoided Emissions, Scope 3, Product Level Accounting etc.

We use the most up-to-date methods, data, and tools to conduct GHG inventories and other impact assessments for our clients. This includes using a combination of our own internally-developed GHG calculator and collaborating with partners that provide the latest software tools for calculating GHG emissions and other sustainability impacts. This enables us to use the most optimal solution for each client’s specific needs.

We are proud to partner with two of the leading providers of GHG accounting and sustainability data management and reporting software solutions, Enistic and Persefoni.

Enistic Carbon ManagementEnistic Carbon Accounting and Sustainability Management Software
The Enistic software platform has been helping both large and small companies across a wide range of industries calculate their GHG inventories, collect and calculate data on other environmental and social impacts and risks, manage and reduce those impacts, and report in compliance with leading sustainability standards and regulations since 2002.


  • Regularly updated with the latest emissions and impact data, as well as additional features and capabilities.
  • Easy-to-use data import / capture
  • Clear, simple, robust, customizable results dashboards
  • Alignment with leading frameworks and standards (GHG Protocol, others)
  • Dedicated modules for: GHG inventories / carbon footprints (Scope 1, 2, 3); Science-based targets (SBT); Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD); Life Cycle Assessment LCA) & Environmental Product Declarations (EPD); BCorp assessments; Standardized Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR); Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme (ESOS); ESOS Action Plans (EAP)
  • AI-supported report generation

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PersefoniPersefoni Carbon Footprint and Sustainability Reporting Software
Persefoni is a software platform designed to help organizations of all sizes in a wide range of industries to accurately measure, reduce, and report on their GHG emissions and other sustainability impacts and risks. The Persefoni platform simplifies data collection and reporting to enable organizations to meet their needs and those of a range of internationally recognized frameworks and standards.


  • AI-supported automated data collection and aggregation
  • Easy-to-use data management and results dashboards
  • Robust analytics and reporting
  • Scenario modeling capabilities
  • Alignment with leading frameworks and standards (GHG Protocol, others)
  • Enables reporting of: GHG inventories / carbon footprints (Scope 1, 2, 3); Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD);International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB); CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project)

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Carbon Offsets/Environmental Commodities


WAP is a partner to many carbon brokerages and exchanges and organizes bulk buys of environmental commodities (RECs, Offsets, Water Offsets, VERs, PPAs, ERCs, etc.) for its clients on a quarterly basis. These bulk buys save clients a significant amount of money by leveraging aggregated purchasing power..

Embodied Carbon Accounting

Embodied Carbon Accounting

WAP partnered with leading technology companies to develop the Protocol for Measuring Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment. 

WAP partnered with leading technology companies to develop the Protocol for Measuring Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment. WAP Sustainability is a leader in executing this protocol to measure the embodied carbon impact of a building project. Our approach is useful for both the procurement of low carbon materials (LEED WBLCA + LEED Low Carbon Procurement Pilot Credit) as well as fostering accountability of embodied carbon reporting through GRI and CDP.

Reach out to WAP Sustainability if you are interested in learning more about our Embodied Carbon Accounting Services.

Carbon Management – SB 253 Compliance

Carbon Management – SB 253 Compliance

California’s SB 253 sets rigorous standards for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting and climate-related risk disclosures. WAP’s Carbon Management services provide the technical expertise needed to comply with these regulations. We assist with Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions reporting under SB 253 using spend based, hybrid and supplier specific data using WAP’s Data Products for Scope 3. Our services include accurate emissions measurement, data validation, and preparation of compliant reports, ensuring businesses meet California’s requirements while advancing their carbon management strategies.

GHG Verification Services

GHG Verification Services

Greenhouse gas (GHG) verification is a critical step in ensuring the accuracy and transparency of your emissions reporting. WAP offers third-party GHG verification services for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions to limited and reasonable assurance, meeting the requirements of frameworks like the California Air Resources Board (CARB), SB 253, CSRD and international standards such as ISO 14064-3. With our experienced team and streamlined verification process, we help businesses confidently disclose reliable GHG data, enhancing stakeholder trust and regulatory compliance.

Scope 3 Emissions Management

Scope 3 Emissions Management

Scope 3 emissions typically account for the largest portion of a company’s carbon footprint, covering supply chain activities, product use, and end-of-life impacts. WAP specializes in Scope 3 emissions measurement and reduction, leveraging tools like Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) and comprehensive value chain data collection (scope 3 supply chain data). Our Scope 3 services help businesses pinpoint high-impact areas, collect better data, implement reduction strategies, and produce transparent, GHG Protocol-aligned reports. With expertise in navigating regulations such as California’s SB 253 and the EU CSRD, WAP enables companies to address Scope 3 challenges effectively, supporting progress toward net-zero goals and enhancing stakeholder confidence.

Contact Us!

We know you might have questions, and we’re here to make sustainability easier.

Reach out with any needs so we can help you navigate them.

We’re your partner in sustainability.

(855) 452-2522